Saturday 18 February 2012

A Pilgrim’s Meditation, by Toni Flynn

"Somewhere there is the Pilgrim ۰ Somewhere the Wanderer ۰ Somewhere Lostness ۰ Darkness ۰ Somewhere there is the Void ۰ The Abyss ۰ Emptiness ۰ Somewhere there is the Lotus Petal, the Buddha & the Bodhi Tree ۰ Somewhere there is a Blinding Light ۰ Illumination ۰ Nirvana ۰ Bliss ۰ A Face on the Moon ۰ The Tao ۰
Somewhere there is the Mother ۰ The Goddess ۰ The Gods ۰ The God ۰ Somewhere the Force ۰ Somewhere the Chaos ۰ Somewhere the Question ۰ The Burning Bush ۰ The Answer ۰ The Unanswerable ۰ Somewhere there is the Song ۰ The Story ۰ Poetic Ecstasy ۰ Somewhere the Lover ۰ Somewhere the Beloved ۰ Somewhere the Eternal Embrace & Release from Bondage ۰ Somewhere the Ancestors watch & wait ۰ Somewhere the Father… the Son… the Holy Spirit ۰ The Great Spirit ۰ Somewhere Wakantana ۰ Vishnu ۰ Yaweh ۰ Allah ۰ And Somewhere Someone is turning toward Mecca ۰ Somewhere there is the Belly of the Whale & a Great Hunger & a Great Thirst ۰ Somewhere Someone is doing unthinkable Harm to Someone Else ۰ Somewhere there is a Savior being born ۰ Jesus ۰ The Christ ۰ Somewhere Bread… Wine… Body… Blood ۰ Forgiveness ۰ Somewhere there are Dusty Feet & Scented Oils & the Wet Strands of Magdalene’s Hair ۰ Somewhere Unconditional Love ۰ Somewhere the Yin ۰ Somewhere the Yang ۰ The One ۰ The Many ۰ Somewhere Life ۰ Somewhere Death ۰ The Known ۰ The Unknown ۰ The Unknowable ۰ Somewhere a Woman draws Water from a Well ۰ Somewhere the Mystic dances with Mystery ۰ Somewhere Something Surpasses all Understanding ۰ And Zorba laughs ۰ Somewhere Godzilla & King Kong fight to the Finish ۰ Somewhere War ۰ Bombs bursting in Air ۰ And Somewhere the faint faraway Glimmer of Peace ۰ Somewhere the Sage ۰ The Seer ۰ The Shaman ۰ The Priest ۰ The Cathedral & the Almshouse ۰ Camelot ۰ The King ۰ The Queen ۰ The Virgin ۰ The Crone ۰ The Prince & the Princess ۰ The Knight… the Steed… the Armor… the Sword ۰ Somewhere the Harlot ۰ Somewhere the Saint ۰ Somewhere the Jester ۰ Somewhere the Beggar ۰ Somewhere the Lepers are blessed & Someone is binding up their Wounds ۰ Somewhere a Phantom Pain haunts Hearts ۰ Somewhere Healing happens anyway & People wash their Laundry & hang it to dry beneath the Sun ۰ Somewhere the End ۰ The Beginning ۰ The Dreamer ۰ The Dream ۰ Never-ending Longing ۰ Somewhere the rustle of Angels’ Wings ۰ A Field of Wildflowers ۰ The Sound of Wind through Trees ۰ The Cry of a Baby ۰ The Howl of a Wolf ۰ Space & Freedom ۰ A Path ۰ And the Pilgrim upon a Path"

Tony Flynn,  Available here

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