Wednesday 27 June 2012

Day 06: Cushendall to Glenarm (13.2 miles)

The weather improved greatly today and the shorter distance was appreciated.

Just before Carnlough, I stopped in a small picnic area car part. Over the fence came the offer of a cup of coffee. It turned out to be a couple called John and Marie McAllister who had heard me on the BBC Radio Ulster. Marie filled me with eggs and bacon and all the coffee I could manage while John filled my head with information about dulse and U-boats and the Marchioness of Londonderry and her dog Urisk.

It was a fascinating lunch, made all the more wonderful when their daughter entered carrying a harp, as you do!! Without an introduction I was simply treated to my own private concert. It was both amazing and surreal and it left me floating down the rest of the day's path. Here is the film I made immediately afterwards. (Amy's website is

It was great to see a huge friendly face called Dougie when I arrived at Glenarm and to meet his wonderful wife Ann and their friend Keith. Inspiring conversation and tasty food. It was great to have a welcome from a seasoned outdoors man who appeared to know exactly what I needed when he picked me up.

Here are some photos from the day...

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